Monthly Archives: June 2005

Brian goes AWOL . . .

Off to the beaches of Kenting for a week or so . . . will have little to no internet access . . . so . . . Life of Brian is on hiatus until I get back as Brian will be participating in real life with his family. Let’s just hope no typhoons hit…

Here we go again . . . flag burning

Karl has some good points on here we go again and freedom isn’t just freedom to do what the government tells us we have to do. While I’ve never really supported flag burning, it is a protected speech act and is used as a form of protest when the government directly violates the principles of…

Crooks and Liars

Scroll down for the video of Mary Carey on the Daily Show . . . not the most articulate example of a political spokesperson . . . by a long shot. Be sure to scroll down further and catch Ted Kennedy’s “three strikes you’re out” speech . . . much more valuable.

Boob Enhancer

Shiny Shiny reports on the Boob Enhancer which is a small device with an LCD that evidently massages and “relaxes” one’s breasts by improving circulation. While this sounds a bit more plausible then the nefarious boob cellphone ring and it is most certainly a lot better than the idiot mother-daughter breast surgery packages, there are…

Spelling, the Mind, and Understanding

This is one of many reasons such techniques as sleight of mouth and the like actually work: I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulacity uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaenmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to rsceearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the…

IPOD-Photo Stereoscope

Paul Bourke reveals his IPOD-Photo Stereoscope, what he considers the world’s smallest digital stereo projection system. He discusses both the history of the stereoscope as well as some points on his adaptation of a Holmes stype viwer and his projection system. Not sure I would buy two IPODs just for that purpose (particularly as they…

the Brain and the Orgasm . . .
. . . faked orgasms don’t fool brain scans
. . . parts of a woman’s brain turn off during orgasm

Boing Boing latches on to one element of a new study regarding women, orgasms, and brain scans . . . Orgasms "turn off" part of female brains . . . Scientists report that parts of a woman’s brain switch off when she has an orgasm, including regions involved with emotion. Neuroanatomists from the University of…

Uri Geller’s Report . . .
. . . on the Hypnosis Session he did with Michael Jackson . . .
. . . bad trance management

Uri Geller is telling all about how I put Michael into a trance: it was unethical, but I had to know the truth about Jordie . . . the report makes clear a few things . . . Geller is willing to perform unethical hypnotic procedures, Geller is not a very good hypnotist in that…

Podcasting . . .
. . . neatness on the horizon . . .

Podcasting is getting bigger.  Really bigger.  Since Lorraine gave me an I-Pod for my birthday (and I’m lovin’ it although students who have seen me with it are a bit confused at my "non-traditional" use of the beasties as I’ve filled the hard drive but with nary a song, I use it exclusively to listen…

Toy Story 3 . . . the Taiwan connection

Cinematical is not too impressed with Disney’s pitch for the next Toy Story (minus Pixar) . . . Disney Sets Off to Ruin 3D Animation with Toy Story 3 . . . hey, the projected plot has the characters going to Taiwan to rescue a recalled Buzz: Disney has announced that they are proceeding with…