Hypnosis Shown to Substantially Help Cancer Patients

This is not a new idea. However, it is nice to see it getting more press time as it is richly deserved . . . Hypnosis shown to substantially help cancer patients tolerate treatments, side effects and Hypnosis reduces cancer pain (the latter link is by far the more persuasive with information on what actually happens in the human brain with hypnosis that causes the reduction in pain, way beyond simple relaxation and stress reduction):

Hypnosis has long been known to affect pain systems and speed healing. We are now learning why this happens and what is going on in ways never before understood. Unlike what some of the social-role hypnosis theories would have us believe, there are actual brain systems being affected by hypnosis and these system changes are very very beneficial . . . not just in pain and stress reduction but in terms of creating healthier more balanced individuals.

Those familiar with the garbage can technique I employ know from my classes that it was first developed by the Canadian Department of Health as part of a study of guided imagery and children in hospice. Kids who used the technique had less stress, experienced less pain, needed less medication, and lived longer . . . remission rates were much higher with the experimental group than with the control group as well.

This is good stuff and it’s not just imaginary wishful thinking . . . the systems and the affects are very very real.