Daily Archives: September 18, 2004

Freshman Sex Diet

The Freshman Sex Diet for college kids trying to avoid the “freshman fifteen” weight gain . . . while certainly allowing for more activities and being predominately aimed at women . . . sounds an awful lot like the onanism weight loss program devised by Dr. Hideo Yamanaka . . . weight-loss through masturbation .…

Kill for Kicks

Yes . . . this is incredibly sophomoric and one really does wonder at the spare time some college kids must have on their hands to come up with this . . . but, it is also intriguing and really rather humorous in its own way . . . Kill for Kicks . . .…

The God FAQ

Okay . . . some people may not agree with this . . . I don’t . . . but it is a bit funny . . . The God FAQ . . . everything you need to know about God . . . everything.

Memory Replacement Therapy and Transgenderism . . . sidebar on responsibility

More on my post regarding Memory Replacement Therapy and Transgenderism . . . which I’ve been sidebarring as folks reply. It’s been suggested that, “Perhaps the ethical fetish hypnotist would put disclaimers on their site?” This is not a bad idea . . . the “for recreational purposes only” disclaimer would protect them. However, from…