Daily Archives: June 19, 2004


Lovechess is an interactive computer game that is basically a chess game. Like any other PC chess game, one plays chess against the computer. However, instead of watching the pieces kill each other as in most games of this type (the wonderful old Battlechess comes to mind), the pieces here have sex with one another.…


Evidently, Miriam is causing some gender confusing controversy as folks debate can you tell? Most can’t . . . but she really is a . . . he . . . or, at least a he in process of becoming a she (images are not work safe).

Monogamy Gene? Yes, No, and Maybe.

There’s been a lot of hub-bub of late about the new research into the so-called monogamy gene and experiments with voles. Basically, researchers have isolated a gene that controls the number of receptor cells for the hormone vasopressin in the brains of male voles and this affected their behavior towards commitment and monogamy. Led by…

Star Trek Secret Episode

I’m pretty sure I saw this episode . . . no, the themes were all in the original series but the followthrough in the storylines weren’t quite as obvious. Retrorandy brings us the Star Trek Secret Episode. Kirk gets on with everyone . . . male, female, alien, robot. The guy is true to form.

Frank R. Paul Gallery

Frank R. Paul’s old covers for science fiction and fantasy magazines are just amazing. Take a look . . . Gallery One – Gallery Two – Gallery Three Frank Wu has done a nice tribute piece.

Who’s the Boss? Barbie!

Retrorandy has an interesting take on the old Golden Books title Who’s the Boss . . . Barbie and friends go through a rather interesting adventure that is most definately inappropriate for kids. Evidently Barbie is a bit more aggressive about some things than many of us had been led to believe. Could this be…